Pester Valey, Serbia

Западен Балкан

© Foto: Rastko Popovic
We believe in the world in which people are not restricted by an unfree society, poverty, lack of opportunities, or discrimination

People in Need arrived in the Western Balkans in the early 1990s to deliver humanitarian aid and emergency supplies to those affected by the conflicts and has remained in the region since to support the renewal and development of social and economic life.

In Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) the war decimated the country’s infrastructure and economy and resulted in the displacement of half of the country’s population. A quarter of a century on, the country continues to undergo the complicated process of state-building and transition. PIN has particularly been working to change the care system for people with disabilities by supporting the process of deinstitutionalization, promoting Independent Living services, and campaigning against prejudice and discrimination. In 2014, PIN mobilized to respond to the devastating floods which hit both BiH and Serbia.

PIN initiated deinstitutionalization by establishing Independent Living services in Serbia as well and promoted social inclusion of persons with intellectual disabilities. During the height of the refugee crisis in 2015/6 PIN rushed to support the refugees passing through Serbia. It distributed aid and supported local authorities in building infrastructure and managing influx.

Serbian schools were introduced to PIN’s learning methodology “One World in Schools” involving documentary movies and other multimedia as a means to teach and raise awareness about human rights.

In the late 1990s, the SOS Kosovo collection campaign was initiated in the Czech Republic to distribute aid and support for communities in Kosovo during the armed clashes. PIN focused on the reconstruction of schools and health facilities in Kosovo. Today, PIN’s activities aim at supporting the most vulnerable groups through support to persons with disabilities and the promotion of inclusive education for minorities.

PIN supported local NGOs offering services to refugees in North Macedonia. In 2020, PIN launched the deinstitutionalization process for persons with disabilities.

People in Need Western Balkans is a part of the PIN’s Relief and Development Department (RDD) which helps people in emergencies, in conflict areas, areas affected by natural disasters, or extreme poverty. RDD operates in 22 countries, and every year it carries out projects worth millions of Euros for hundreds of thousands of people in disadvantaged regions.

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