EARTH DAY: Pioneering NGO Advancing Circular Economy in Kosovo
© Photo: Tim Jenkins

EARTH DAY: Pioneering NGO Advancing Circular Economy in Kosovo

Social and technological leaps may appear to occur overnight, but they are actually the result of years of hard work by dedicated teams. In Kosovo, Let’s Do It Peja (LDIP) exemplifies this enduring commitment.

History through the Lens of Women: A New Tourist Offering in Mostar
© Photo: Selma Žuljević

History through the Lens of Women: A New Tourist Offering in Mostar

With the life motto that "history is the best teacher," Alma Pelo Zagorčić, with the support of her colleagues from the Citizens' Initiative and the Mostar Project, has brought forgotten women of Mostar and its surroundings back into the public sphere.

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