Grants for Youth in South of Serbia: Call for Applications

Published: Apr 8, 2021 Reading time: 2 minutes

People in Need is launching a new small grants scheme for communities in Serbia in the scope of the project Amplifying Local Voices for Equitable Development (ALVED). This grant scheme is supported by the UK Government’s Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF).  

Grants for Youth in South of Serbia: Call for Applications
© Photo: Maša Živojinović

“Amplifying Local Voices for Equitable Development” (ALVED) is a UK-funded project implemented in South Serbia by People in Need (PIN), Peaceful Change initiative (PCi), and Gradjanske inicijative. The project has been providing support to civil society, youth, and local institutions in our three target local self-government units (LSGUs) – Bujanovac, Lebane, and Vranje – since September 2020. Forms of support include capacity building and funding for grassroots CSOs; facilitating inclusive planning and delivery of social services; and numerous programs to empower, engage, and inspire young people, such as training, civic actions, awareness-raising, internships, etc.   

According to a survey commissioned by PIN in December 2021 in the three LSGUs, less than half of young women (37%) and young men (40%) believe that young people have the ability and opportunities to participate in local decision-making.  Nonetheless, the ALVED team has observed that young people, when given the opportunity and skills, are ready, eager, and able to contribute to making their communities better for themselves and all residents.      

Building upon the goals of the ALVED project to empower and engage young women and men in South Serbia, this grant scheme seeks to activate young people in Bujanovac, Lebane, and Vranje to promote or support positive change in their communities.    

To access the application and other required documents, please follow the links below:  




Online info session to discuss the objective of the call, tips for preparing applications, etc. will be held on 12 April, 11:00 – 13:00 via Zoom (click to attend).
Author: PIN Srbija