Assessment Report on Circular Economy Policies and CSO/SME Capacities

Published: Oct 6, 2023 Reading time: 1 minute

The report assesses Kosovo's regulatory framework related to the Circular Economy and evaluates the capacity of Civil Society Organizations to contribute to the implementation of the "Sofia Declaration" Action Plan for the period from 2021 to 2030.

This report was commissioned by People in Need as part of the Circular Economy for Green Transition in Kosovo (CE4GT) initiative. The CE4GT is a three-year project funded by the European Union and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, and implemented by People in Need and Let's Do It Peja!. The initiative aims to help Kosovo transition towards a more circular economy by empowering civil society actors to influence policy reforms and build their capacity.

One World in Schools (OWiS) in Lipjan/Lipljan, Kosovo, February 1, 2022. The activity was done under the project ALVED – Amplifying Local Voices for Equitable Development (2020-2023) funded by the Government of the United Kingdom (CSSF) and led by the British non-profit Peaceful Change initiative (PCI). Consortium partners were People in Need (Serbia and Kosovo), Civic Initiatives (Serbia), Peer Educators Network (PEN, Kosovo), and NGO Aktiv (Kosovo).
© Photo: NGO Aktiv

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Author: PIN Kosovo

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