PIN Invites Individual or Organizational Expertise for Final Evaluation of EWMS Project

Published: Oct 12, 2023 Reading time: 1 minute
People in Need is seeking an individual or organization to conduct the final evaluation of the EWMS - Effective Waste Management System in Sarajevo Canton.
© Photo: PIN

People in Need is seeking an individual or organization to conduct the final evaluation of the EWMS - Effective Waste Management System in Sarajevo Canton, supported by the Government of the Czech Republic.

The main objectives of the Final evaluation are to assess the overall quality of the project and the extent of achievement of project objectives, as well as its potential for long-term impact, sustainability, and replication. 

The Final evaluation will also provide realistic and actionable recommendations for potentiPeople in Need is seeking an individual or organization to conduct the final evaluation of the EWMS - Effective Waste Management System in Sarajevo future initiatives to capitalize on lessons learned (best practice and challenges).

Country Office:

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Project Name

“EWMS – Effective Waste Management System in Canton Sarajevo”

Implementing lead organisation:

People in Need

Partner organisations:

KJKP RAD, Dekonta


Canton Sarajevo


Czech Development Agency – 90%, People in Need – 10%

Project length:

1.9.2021 – 31.12.2023

Project Budget:

2021: 5.250.000,00-CZK/ 238.904,19 EUR

2022: 13.181.111,11 - CZK/ 510.895,78 EUR

2023: 18 334 000,00 – CZK/ 685.938,00 EUR

Duration of final evaluation:

25 days

Estimated start date:

November 2023

The applications must be prepared in English and submitted by e-mail to: mentioning “Final Evaluation: EWMS Sarajevo” in the subject of the e-mail.

Deadline for application submission is: October 24, 2023

Find our more information HERE. 

Autor: PIN

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