
Factsheet Project “Developing a National Short-Lived Climate Pollutants Plan, Methane Roadmap, and Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification Framework”
As a Global Methane Pledge signatory and a new member of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC), Bosnia and Herzegovina is committed to cutting global methane emissions by 30% by 2030, aligning...

Factsheet of the Project “Developing a National Short-Lived Climate Pollutants Plan, Methane Roadmap, and Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification Framework”
Kao potpisnica Globalnog obećanja o metanu i nova članica Koalicije za klimu i čistzrak, Bosna i Hercegovina se obavezala na doprinos smanjenju globalnih emisija metana za 30% do 2030. godine,...

Final Evaluation MyWork – Economic Opportunities for People with Disabilities in Bosnia and Herzegovina
This report is a final evaluation of the ‘My work- Economic Opportunities for People with Disabilities’ project. The evaluation was conducted by two national external evaluators between...

The path to Sustainable Waste Management in Bosnia and Herzegovina
PIN Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina faces a pressing waste management crisis that poses grave risks to both the environment and public health. The country's inadequate waste management system is...
Capability Statement on Climate Resilient Programming, 2023
PIN Western Balkans
Globally, PIN plays a role in addressing climate change by enhancing the resilience of vulnerable people through solutions that align with green growth and circular economy principles....
Social Inclusion Factsheet, PIN BIH 2023
PIN Bosnia and Herzegovina
The collaboration between People in Need (PIN) and the Czech Development Agency (CzDA) has been instrumental in driving positive change and development in BiH. Both organizations...
Project Mostar Factsheet 2023
PIN Bosnia and Herzegovina
The "Mostar - Spaces to Activate and Rejuvenate" project has ushered in a fresh perspective for Mostar's residents. Led by People in Need in collaboration with partners...
Civic Initiatives, People in Need, 2023
The story of the Amplifying Local Voices for Equitable Development (ALVED) project is not an ordinary story supported by numbers and other statistical data, but a story whose epilogue...
Fuqizimi i Zërave Lokal për Zhvillim të Barabartë në jug të Serbisë
Civic Initiatives, People in Need, 2023
Historia e projektit “Fuqizimi i Zërave Lokal për Zhvillim të Barabartë “(ALVED) nuk është një histori e zakonshme e mbështetur në numra dhe të dhëna të tjera statistikore,...
Građanske inicijative, People in Need, 2023
Priča o projektu „Jačanje lokalnih glasova za pravičan razvoj“ (ALVED) nije obična priča potkrepljena brojkama i drugim različitim statističkim podacima, već priča čiji epilog...