Public Opinion: Public Services, Interethnic Relations, Youth and Civil Society in the South of Serbia

Published: Jul 11, 2022 Reading time: 1 minute

We asked the citizens of Bujanovac, Vranje, Lebane about their views and experiences with local public services, inter-ethnic relations, and youth and civil society in their communities, as a part of our good governance project. 

Vranje, Serbia, May 2021
© Photo: Maša Živojinović

“Amplifying Local Voices for Equitable Development” (ALVED) is a British government-funded project running from September 2020 through March 2023. The project is implemented in three local self-government units (LSGUs) - Bujanovac, Vranje and Lebane - in Serbia by a consortium made up of Peaceful Change initiative (PCi), a UK-registered charity, People in Need, and Gradjanske Inicijative, a Serbia-based civil society organization. The overriding objective of the project is to ensure that citizens in Serbia are better able to empathise with one another’s perspectives, play active civic roles in society, and celebrate diversity.

This mid-line survey report presents an analysis of residents’ perceptions and experiences in three key areas which the project aims to address: local services, inter-ethnic relations, and youth and civil society. 

Data for this report was collected through the conducting of household surveys in the target municipalities through door-to-door visits and face-to-face interviews. The surveys are conducted in three phases: baseline (December 2020, with 1,180 respondents), midline (December 2021, with 1,120 respondents), and endline (end of 2022).

The surveys and analysis have been conducted by:

To access the mid-line survey report for Kosovo, click here

Author: PIN Srbija

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